We’re delighted to announce that Daybreak Games is bringing back the Magic Online Judge Open, and Judge Foundry is working in partnership with them to bring our members some fun ways to participate.
The Magic Online Judge Open League, or MOJO, is a tournament exclusively for judges and tournament staff, played on Magic Online. Magic Online has been hosting MOJOs for more than a decade, and we’re thrilled to be a part of the return of this great tradition. So thrilled, in fact, that we’ll be giving away some extra loot to make participating even more fun!

The Details
MOJO 2024 will take place from July 16th to July 21st, and the format will be Phantom Modern Horizons 3 Sealed. You’ll play four matches against other judges, potentially including other Judge Foundry members and judges from other regional programs around the world.
Many judges have historically celebrated MOJO by hosting parties with other judges to play their matches together. Talk to your local judges and consider a gathering to get together, build your decks, and celebrate the judge community together. If you get together, take a photo and send it to us at board@judgefoundry.org and you just might be featured in our next Judge Call newsletter!
Signing Up
Registration for the MOJO couldn’t be simpler. All you have to do is:
- Be a member of Judge Foundry
- Create an account on Magic Online (you’ll need to upgrade to a full account if you haven’t already done so)
- Add your Magic Online username to your profile on JudgeApps
You must complete all these steps by 11:59pm on July 8th to be on the list we send to Daybreak.
Fabulous Prizes
Daybreak is generously providing prize support for this event – for every match you win, you’ll receive a Modern Horizons 3 booster in your MTGO account. But we’re also providing some special prizes for Judge Foundry members.
Judge Foundry members who win all four matches will receive a gift subscription for a month of dues. But if you lose your first round, don’t be discouraged – we’ll be randomly selecting a dozen judges who play in the event to receive a Judge Foundry hat!
The MOJO is coming in July, and we’re excited to be able to partner with Daybreak to bring it to our members. Sign up now and we’ll see you there!